Friday, February 14, 2014

Valentines Day: What It Means When You're Seven Years Old

40 cute Valentines Day cards signed by my children and packaged for school. Check! 40 tiny allergen free cupcakes purchased at astronomical cost. Check! Super adorable cards made for me by my darlings at school. Check! 

One of the best parts of parenting are the love notes I receive all year long written in their adorable hand-made fonts. At ages seven and four I get to be their main Valentine this February the 14th. Valentines Day is a reminder that as parents, or cousins or aunts we are the greatest loves of their lives right now. I can't help but embrace these moments with utmost joy and appreciation. Soon enough there will be crushes and jealousies and my heart will be filled with their confusions as much as my own. 

At my house Valentines Day is also our cat, Maggie's birthday. She will be 12 this year and the girls have wrapped cat treats for her and are wondering just how she is going to open them.  It's a welcome departure from the calamity of the commercialization of a holiday that isn't really a holiday. I enjoy that this day is a good excuse to tell others how much you care about them, but really we should be doing this all year round. 

Consider including love notes in your loved ones lunch bags, or cars or jacket pockets.Children do this naturally and beautifully. I have the pleasure of finding them all the time. I would like for everyone to make these discoveries whether you have children or not. 

In the meantime, to make Valentines Day extra interesting this year I am considering rubbing catnip all over Maggie’s gifts to see if she will attempt unwrapping them on her own.


  1. As my boys get older, I enjoy the little pictures and scribbles they give me. You are lucky to have such affectionate girls, and they are lucky to have you!! Great insight, Jess :)

    1. One of the most difficult things is deciding what to keep and what to get rid of... the paper certainly piles up fast...especially once they start bringing things home from school. Thanks for checking in Asta!

  2. I'm sorry 40 cupcakes?? and they have to be allergen free?! hats off to you Jessica! Honestly, so much work, I'm sure your kids make it worh it though, and they probably make the best people to spend valentines day with!

    1. Thanks for commenting! They really do make the best people to spend Valentines Day - and every day - with. I find parenting challenging some days but I always know that these little people are the very best things I have in my life! I try hard to listen to what they have to say because they are often insightful and hilarious!

  3. This is a very sweet post, and the drawings and cards your princesses made are a heartwarming touch! These are the adorable moments we all look forward to for our own experiences. I enjoyed reading your post, and I agree the thoughtfulness children can portray is something we should all emulate. Good stuff!

  4. Jess your blog makes me smile. I love that your girls focus on Maggie's Birthday on Valentine's Day.. you're right- it's so commercialized now that people don't understand that it's just a day to make sure you tell people that you love them. What better way for them to learn that then by telling their cat they love her? This is an awesome post.
    Also.. Maggie looks great for her age. ;)
