Friday, March 7, 2014

Creativity... Not Just For Kids

Painting by Abby aged 4

I believe that children are innately creative. Allowing them to express that creativity is absolutely one of the greatest joys of parenting. Whether it is writing, drawing, playing music or dancing - watching kids perform is a wonderful experience. I try to expose my girls to as many different forms of creative expression as possible. Among other benefits, creative play teaches children problem solving skills, fine motor skills and cooperation. 

As we get older we tend to get busy in the daily chores of life and forget about the creative expression that used to give us so much joy. In our ever quest for perfection maybe we give up on ourselves and don't allow for that freedom to be expressed. Think about all of the videos on Youtube of children expressing themselves, without apology, to encourage the rekindling of your own expression. 

This is a song Abby wrote about her love for the earth. May I suggest that this week we all take time to do something creative just for your soul. Here is an excellent article on ways to crank up your creativity. Don't be concerned about its excellence or validity. Maybe the point of it is just to be happy in that moment. If you really feel courageous, share your art with a friend, colleague or relative. Allow yourself to remember that just participating in the exchange of ideas between two people can bring happiness, no matter what your age. 
Remember performing for your parents and how exciting that felt? You are the star of your own show, just as you were when you 6 years old, make it a good day! 


  1. I remember my youngest son singing me a song about a fly who walked into a grocery store and stuck out his tongue and stepped on the bread!! Keep your girls imaginations going as long as you can...and see life through their imaginations as long as you can

  2. I believe creativity is very important for children. I've been finding that with tv, video games and ipads kids don't want to do crafts anymore they just want to sit on the couch and do nothing. I'm always looking for new ideas to get the kids i babysit away from their technology.

  3. You just brought me back to when I was four years old. My Great-Nonna always hosted big family dinners on Friday nights. I remember standing on the dining room chair, belting out "I'm a Little Tea Pot" for everyone to hear (with all the right gestures and actions, of course).
    Keep your kids' creativity flowing as long as you can, Jess.

  4. Creativity is definitely important for both children and adults. It's unfortunate we all forget about this important aspect of life when we grow up because it can play such a key role in our lives both personally and professionally.

    I commend you for instilling creativity in your daughters at a young age as I'm sure it will definitely benefit them moving forward.

    Also, I like the video, it was hilarious and a good inclusion to your post.

    Keep up the good work!

  5. Growing up, I played dress up with the neighbourhood kids, played house and restaurant with my cousins and made up dance routines with my friend from the states every summer. I loved those days. I hated the day it wasn't "cool" anymore. I try and use my creativity now with scrapbooking. Great post Jessica.

  6. I absolutely loved the video, it brought me back to when I was four years old. I used to bang on the mini keyboard my parents got me as a gift and belting out 'Mary had a little lamb' in an extremely off tune voice. Now that I look back on it, I feel bad for my parents. I must have scarred their ears, haha. I believe that a child's creativity is something special and it is wonderful to see where it will take them in life. Great post, Jessica.

  7. Oh my goodness Jessica, Abby's song is amazing. I love how she's rocking out in such a positive way. I totally agree with you that we don't take enough time to enjoy the creative and expressive parts of our day to day lives. This just brightened my day.

  8. Jessica, this video of Abby is awesome! The "people in heaven that are old but still look great" line made me smile. I agree that creative expression is important at every age, and I try to make an effort to be creative in my own life by doing crafts, knitting, and writing. I'm not particularly good at any of these things, but they make me happy and help relieve stress. I think creativity is so important and I'm glad you dedicated a post to talking about it!

  9. Absolutely fantastic Jessica.
    And I agree my niece Karmyn, 6, just recently painted a picture in school and I kid you not it looks just like Van Gogh's starry night.
    Your very right too I feel like as we get older we just stop doing the things that make us happy or create.
    Creativity is something that should be cultivated at a young age, and I love that you are doing that with your children. :) I hope to do the same whenever I have some of my own :D

  10. It's been proven we do lose our creativity as we age.
    There's actually an interesting animated lecture on the very subject.
