Saturday, April 5, 2014

Big City - Big Deal?

CN Tower - Toronto's beacon!
I have spent the last week on my own in the big city of Toronto without my girls. So the story I have to report comes from a place of observing other mothers working their way through the city with toddlers and strollers in tow.  I have to admit I didn't think I would miss my little ladies as much as I most certainly did. I thought this new found freedom would empower my perspective - and it did - but there was also the emptiness of not being needed on a 24 hour basis. That's right, the very thing I thought would be the best part of being alone was what had me musing at the complexity of what I used to accomplish in an average day.

I felt like the universe was constantly reminding me of their precious faces by showing me an onslaught of other mothers and their children navigating the city streets. Were there always so many moms pushing strollers down Queen Street West, riding the subway and playing in the park? I don't think I ever noticed the little playgrounds everywhere or the accessibility of a streetcar until this week. 
I guarantee you I never once saw a streetcar moving anywhere what looked like this fast.

It was encouraging to see all the smiling mothers and fathers out with their kids, pounding the concrete in unison. Visits with my city dwelling friends encouraged me on my new path and offered their arms and homes to help me and my kids if we should embark on a life there. I wondered if the city life could be for me and mine sometime in the near future? There are certainly other parents living here and looking quite stylish doing it too! Perhaps it doesn't matter where you live, it's the support of the community and the brevity of each individual that encourages us forward into new avenues. I do know that no matter where I am in life I will always take time to see the sky through the skyscrapers.

Toronto financial district, looking up!

I can't wait to take my ladies into the big city and get their perspective on all there is to look up to. Here is a great on-line discussion about big city vs small town parenting.



1 comment:

  1. When I went to TO in 2005, (before I knew I was pregnant for a second time), I couldn't put my finger on what made me so wistful for my little one back in Vancouver. I was certainly happy to be on my own for the first time on 2 years, if only for a week. Then I realized I missed not being touched. When you have small people in your life, it's constant touching. Hugs, kisses, cuddles, hand holding, wiping faces, wiping noses, wiping bums. I totally understand this post.
